Saturday, November 14, 2009

Is it a surprise Mother's Day is on a Sunday?


%26gt; Mother's work is never done. She's always up to

%26gt; something.

%26gt; Mother will shoot clay pigeons, but never a dove.

%26gt; Shooting doves is Father's Dept.

%26gt; Mother can thread a bobbin, and without using

%26gt; every curse word.

%26gt; Mother uses baking soda, but not for making

%26gt; volcanoes.

%26gt; Mom always knows where your stash is. How

%26gt; do you think it gets gone so fast?

%26gt; If grandma comes stumbling in at 3:15 a.m.,

%26gt; most likely she was in the maternity ward with

%26gt; her little girl.

%26gt; Mom doesn't notice how nice the floral arrangement

%26gt; is that you got her. She thinks its fine. But she wants

%26gt; know why she never gets money.

%26gt; Happy Mother's Day


Is it a surprise Mother's Day is on a Sunday?
Mother's Day is always on a Sunday. Guess what, so is Father's Day. I'm not sure what your point was but indeed, Happy Mother's Day to all.

Bad Breath

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